Nasriddin Afandi – 50 Tenge – Kazakhstan – nickel coin in blister

Nasriddin Afandi – 50 Tenge – Kazakhstan – nickel coin in blister


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Face value: 50 tenge

Obverse:  the coat of arms of the Republic of Kazakhstan against ornamental background; face value of the coin — «50», and inscription «TENGE» at lower sector; an element of national ornament secularly represented at the left and the right sector; inscriptions “REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN” in Kazakh and Russian along the circumference.

Reverse: character of the Uzbek national fairy tale «Nasriddin Afandi»; an inscription «NASRIDDIN AFANDI» in Kazakh and Uzbek; number «2015» means year of coinage and trade mark of Kazakhstan Mint

Lateral face is grooved.

The coin comes in capsule and blister.