On the obverse of the coins in the central part there is the State Emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan. To the left and to the right of the Emblem are the inscriptions “QAZAQSTAN RESPÝBLIKASY ∙ REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN”. Along the circumference – elements of national ornament. In the lower part there is an inscription “TEŃGE” and the number “100” indicating the denomination of the coin.
On the reverse side of the coins there is an image of a sculptural portrait of Abai Kunanbayev, a stylized image of an inkwell and a feather. To the right of the portrait is an ornamental ribbon in the form of a Kazakh yurt (baskur) decor, under which there is an inscription “1845-2020” indicating the year of birth, the date of celebration of the 175th anniversary of Abai Kunanbayev and at the same time the year of minting. At the bottom of the coin there is an inscription in the Latin script “ABAI”.
The coins are made of nickel silver alloy, diameter – 31 mm, weight – 11.17 grams, mintage – 75 000 pieces.