Date of issue: 31 August 2004.
Abilkhan Kasteev (1904-1973) was a painter, graphic artist, one of Kazakh fine arts founders. He is an author of more that 2000 paintings, water-colours and drawings, which made up peculiar art chronicle of Kazakhstan in XX century.
Averse: State Emblem of Kazakhstan against ornamental background; face value of the coin “50 TENGE”; legend in Kazakh “NATIONAL BANK OF KAZAKHSTAN”.
Reverse: portrait of Abillkhan Kazseev, people’s painter, laureate of State Prize named Shokan Valikhanov; name of the coin in Kazakh “A. KASTEEV 100 YEARS”; “2004” means the year of coin.
Lateral surface is grooved.
Weight: 11,17 gr.
Diameter: 31 mm.
Mintage: 50 000.