The coin of Brilliant Uncirculated (BU) quality comes in Thermal Vacuum Package (TVP). The mintage is 1000.
Face value – 50 tenge
Date of issue – 31 March, 2015
Obverse: coat of arms of the Republic of Kazakhstan; inscription «NBK» at the right from the coat of arms; inscription «50 TENGE» indicates face of value; an element of a national ornament at the left and to the right of face value; inscription «NATIONAL BANK OF KAZAKHSTAN» in state language; protruding edge along the circumference.
Reverse: fragment of the Memorial of Glory located in the park of 28 Panfilov’s guardsmen in Almaty; inscription «1945» indicating year of Victory in Great Patriotic War; inscription «2015» means year of coinage; inscriptions «70 YEARS OF GREAT VICTORY» in state language and «70 ЛЕТ ВЕЛИКОЙ ПОБЕДЕ» in Russian along the circumference; protruding edge along the circumference.
Lateral face is grooved
Diameter: 31 mm
Weight: 11, 17 g
Mintage: 1000